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Save $$ now with our special online smog coupons!

We have 5 convenient Smog locations in LA, Bell, Whittier, East LA, smog check 90063 to choose from.


Our Smog Station
See Detail

($10 off for all STAR certification)
Offer Good On All Cars & Trucks
Pass or Free Re-Test
Must Present Coupon in Print or Mobile
Brake and Lamp Inspection Available



4555 E Gage Ave Bell, CA 90201
14162 Lambert Rd Whittier, CA 90605
4479 E Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90023
5929 E Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022
3875 E 3rd st Los Angeles, CA 90063

Phone: (323) 712-3639

    Get An Appointment:

      Smog Coupon Bell

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      Smog Coupon Eastern LA


      Print Smog Coupon

      Smog Coupon Whittier


      Print Smog Coupon

      Smog Coupon Los Angeles


      Print Smog Coupon

      Smog Coupon East LA


      Print Smog Coupon

      Smog Check FAQs

      What if I do not renew my registration and/or license by the expiration date?

      If the renewal application and fees are postmarked after the registration and/or license expiration date(s), a delinquency fee will be charged for each registration
      and/or license you are renewing. Delinquent renewals will not be processed until all fees are received. If you own a licensed Smog Check station and your ARD and/or Smog Check station renewal payments are delinquent, your station’s analyzer(s) will be locked out and you will not be allowed to inspect, test, diagnose, repair, or issue certificates of compliance.

      Can I overnight my renewal payment?

      Yes. Payments may be sent overnight to the following address:
      Department of Consumer Affairs
      Cashiering Unit
      1625 North Market Boulevard, Suite S100
      Sacramento, California 95834

      Can I expedite my renewal?

      No. Renewals are processed in the order they are received. The processing time is typically two weeks from the time of receipt. A license remains valid between the date of receipt and its processing, provided it is submitted on or before the expiration date.

      Can I renew my registration and/or license(s) if I have changes to my business?

      A change involving a name, address, or phone number can be documented on your renewal notice and/or check or money order. Please note that a registrant or licensee must notify BAR within 14 days of a business name or address change. A change to a sole ownership, partnership, or corporation (other than a corporate officer change)
      requires a new application and payment of applicable fees. Applications can be obtained from BAR’s website by calling the Licensing Unit at (916) 403-8477 or (855) 735-0462.

      If I do not renew my ARD registration and Smog Check station license on time, will my station’s STAR certification be affected?

      Yes. Your STAR certification will be removed from your analyzer(s) and your station will be locked out from performing inspections until both the ARD registration and Smog Check station license are current. Business Changes.

      Can I change my Smog Check station type?

      Yes. To change the designation of your Smog Check station (i.e., from test-and-repair to testonly or vice-versa), submit a new Smog Check station application, the applicable fee, and a new Station NGET Enrollment Form. You must specify the requested effective date of the change on the application.

      What is California Smog Check?


      The Smog Check Program has greatly reduced air pollution created by millions of cars in California. According to the California Air Resources Board, the program removes about 400 tons of smog-forming pollutants from California’s air every day.

      With no surprise, the California Smog Check Test is known to be among the toughest smog tests in the U.S.

      Although greatly reducing pollution created from cars, the California Smog Check Program did not meet its expectations. Studies have shown that the program managed to only reduce the two main polluting emissions by only 12.3% and 9.8%.


      Our STAR stations offer smog check, smog test for all vehicles. All DMV smog check, smog inspection, smog certification, smog testing, smog test only, STAR smog check, smog certification and smog check coupons.

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